11 Feb 2022, 13:52
❓MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1️⃣ WHEN WILL THE CFG CROWDLOAN REWARDS BE AVAILABLE? ▶️ Once Centrifuge has been onboarded as a parachain on Polkadot on block #9,388,800 (around 11th March), we will start the distribution process afterwards and you will be able to claim all your CFG. 20% will be available for transfer immediately - the rest will be vesting for the duration of the parachain lease (96 weeks). There will be more information and instructions regarding the claiming process as we approach the date. 2️⃣ CAN WE STAKE CFG RIGHT NOW? ▶️ Yes, you can stake your CFG tokens and staking currently takes place in the Centrifuge Portal. If you need instructions on how to get started, you can find an easy to understand manual here: 3️⃣ CAN WE STAKE AIR RIGHT NOW? ▶️ There will be staking available but not the same way as we are used to now, like with Centrifuge. Once a project becomes a parachain on either Polkadot or Kusama, they will no longer need validators to secure their chain. The security will be provided by the Relay Chain validators (on either Polkadot or Kusama) and the parachains will have COLLATORS instead. There will be more information regarding collators on both Altair and Centrifuge. You can read more about what collators are here: 4️⃣ WILL CFG/AIR BE LISTED ON MORE EXCHANGES? ▶️ We don't know about future listings and we don't comment on them either. It is up to the exchanges when and if they want to list any token. If you want to stay updated with new listings, you should follow the exchanges' social media for official listing announcements.